June 1: Bar crew on opening night. Left to right: Kari, Finn, Rory, Giovanna, Danny, and
Claire. Danny had gotten us these sick branded hats and totally redecorated behind the bar.
(Previously it had some contemporary art; he went to local flea markets for like two months to
find new-old stuff for it.) Not a single customer came!June 10: Staff barbecue with some staff and their families, including Memo and Demetrio
(maintenance), Karla (housekeeping), Kari, Giovanna, and Nic (bar), Danny (“opening
consultant”), Christian, and Claire.
October 13: The first day of Baladi brunch! With Adi, Dune, Luke, Armando, Claire, Isaias,
Christian, Jaime, and Hagai. It was packed and we fell pretty behind for a bit but we caught
up and everyone seemed to have a great time.
November 18: Bowling before the holiday dinner with staff and their families. Claire and Memo
seem to be dominating their respective leaderboards.
November 21: Baladi is featured in The B Magazine! Those are our hands reaching for that delicious brunch in the photo… had to stay poised
over it for longer than we’d normally be able to resist, y’know…